Boost Your Business Value

Coaching and Training Programs for Current Business Owners

More Profits Today, More Value When You Sell

Avoid becoming one of the 87% of owners who cannot sell their businesses

Goal Setting

Understanding where you are and where you want to be, instead of accepting where you wind up.


Removing the Risk of Failure

Start by eliminating the obstacles that prevent 87 percent of owners from being able to sell when they want to (or need to). That’s not a good club to be in.

Owner Independence

Let’s work to stabilize your business to the point that you can and do take extended vacations from it without losing a penny. It’s time to enyoy owning your business instead of it owning you!

Boost Your Income and Long-Term Value

The better your company does, the more profit it will earn, the more enjoyable it will be to own, and the more it will be worth. Keep your company and your team moving towards your goals.

Until you know more about our services, you can’t effectively choose a solution.

Until we know more about you and your needs, we can’t recommend which of our solutions will best meet them.

Your business should be profitable and enjoyable to own

Do you own your business, or does it own you?

If your’re stressed about your business, or your future seems uncertain, you’re not alone.

  • 70 percent of owners report that they work over 55 hours a week and most weekends.
  • 80 percent laugh at the idea of taking an extended vacation.
  • 87 percent of owners will be unable to sell their businesses when they want to (or, as happens more often, when they need to).

These facts are not unrelated. If you’re business owns you, you won’t enjoy owning it and you won’t be able to sell it.

It doesn’t have to be that way. It won’t cost much to fix it. All you have to do is want to.

You may need a coach or advisor if …

You don't dare to take a 4-week vacation - unplugged fom the business

Every small business owner is really busy. The question is whether you are working on the business to make it stronger and better; that’s what a CEO does. If you’re just trying to handle day-to-day crises, you’re the chief hourly employee.

Your business is stalled out at a revenue level, or is losing money

A business is intended to provide you with the means to enjoy the lifestyle you want and make a meaningful contribution to the community. If it’s not doing that, it’s an expensive hobby, or a charity. You may need an advisor to help you face the reality, choose a path up or out, and follow it.

You don't know what your 5 strategic choices are or what to do about them

 Every 90 days or so, you can and must make one of 5 strategic choices: do nothing, grow, prepare to hand off internally, prepare to sell, or close down. If you choose “do nothing” for too long, your only choice will be to close up shop.  An advisor can help you see the realities, plan for them, and make your goals happen.

You're too busy today. You'll think about the future someday.

No, you won’t. Unless you take a few hours a month now, Someday will come calling for you long before you are ready for it, and then you’ll just have to close down. An advisor helps you set aside those few hours and get prepared for Someday.

Yes, but does it work?

What you mean is, you don’t want to put time and money into something that is not going to work . Rightly so.

The Business Value Booster Method, and our associated coaching packages, are based on thousands of hours working with business owners and buyers, and (unlike most of what you will find in the market and online) it is adapted especially for “Main Street” small businesses – those with revenues under $5 million per year.

And they come with a guarantee of ROI. You can’t lose! You may choose not to enrol, but you owe it to yourself to find out more.

I don't have the time

If you can add hundreds of thousands of dollars to the value of your business, is that not worth a few hours a month?

I won't be leaving my business any time soon

70% of those owners who already engaged exit planners still wound up having to exit years sooner than they expected. Someday will come , and not when you choose. You need to be ready on that day. 

I can't afford it

 If you don’t see the business value in improving your business, then you’re right. Our programs come with a guarantee that you will derive value worth several times the cost of the program. The only reason not to invest in improvement is if you are going out of business in the next 6 months.

Only sissies need coaches

Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, Pele – they all had coaches. They knew they were totally focused on the here and now, and they needed someone to help them stay on track with larger goals. Our coaching isn’t woo-woo seances about how you feel about life; we help you make meaningful but practical and achievable steps towards being more prepared and more profitable. 

I can figure it out myself

Perhaps so. But you also have to keep running your business, which is already more than a fulltime job. And it is very hard for any owner to take a really honest look at their baby – the business they have labored over for years. 87% of owners are unprepared when Someday comes and they end up closing their doors after years of hard work and no time to themselves, and little provision for their later years. You be the judge. It’s your future on the line.

My Approach

I got into value building and exit planning when, as a broker, I realized that most of the owners I spoke with were:

  • Not ready to exit
  • Too busy to get ready
  • Probably going to close their doors without being able to sell… and often much sooner than they expected

I can only take on a few clients.  You won’t get a hard sell. But if you’re serious about preparing your business for Someday, let’s see if the Business Value Booster Method is a solution for you.


If and when you are ready to go to the market, I am a business broker and commercial real estate agent with Transworld Business Advisors, the largest such network in the country. We’ll get it done for you.

How It Works

We’re not going to accept you as a client for an engagement where we cannot deliver you the promised (and guaranteed) value. So (except for our do-it-yourself offerings, see below), put your credit card away; you cannot sign up for a coaching or training program directly.

We can only serve so many clients effectively, and we guarantee that you cannot lose by engaging with us to help you move towards a more profitable, more enjoyable, and more sellable business. You must begin the relationship by completing the assessment/application form. That way, you get some immediate value and I can be prepared for our initial discussion.

Free Readiness Assessment

Click here to begin a short (10-min) no-cost assessment of the readiness of you and your business in the event you decide you want to sell (or have to do so).

Free 1:1 Strategy Discussion

If your assessment indicates you are a fit for us, we will do a no-cost call to solidify your objectives and your readiness to get into the game. Then you decide on your next steps.

Choose the Right Level of Support

lf and ONLY if we agree that we should work together, you’ll decide what level of help you need and in what setting. Then you’ll choose from one of the coaching programs below.

Reach Your Goals

We help you identify, prioritize, and carry out actions to make you business stronger and more valuable bit by digestible bit. We work along with you to make sure you don’t keep putting it off, so you are ready when (not if) Someday comes.

For the die-hard do-it-yourselfer: caveat emptor. 87 percent of small business owners learn that they are unable to sell their businesses when they need to, and another 6 percent do not get a “fair” price. Why? Because every day, every month, every year they put off the many small things that could have been done to make their business more profitable, more enjoyable, and then more valuable when it comes to sell. Yes, it’s hard to part with cash, especially if cash flow is your #1 problem.  But continuing to not do the same things will only result in the same outcome: continuing to not do them. You, more so than a more affluent business, need help to keep you thinking beyond today’s crises.

But I understand that you may feel that you don’t have hundreds or thousands of dollars to invest to insure the company’s future and you just want to try to do it yourself. I know you’ll understand that we can’t guarantee the results because it’s totally up to you to take the needed actions, and (if you don’t mind me being brutally honest) so far, you haven’t. Still, you have to start somewhere. If investing a very small amount motivates you to get started down the road of business readiness, then take a crack at it. You’ll find some books, short-form courses, and other resources here on this site.  You’ll be able to acquire them on the spot at very reasonable costs, and you can always contact us if there’s something you’d like to know more about.


Still uncertain?

Take the free assessment and see what happens.

Or go on over to the Resources page and do some more reading.

Still Have Questions?