Value Booster Resources

Sources and Tools

The best client is an educated client

What about the free Facebook community?

Sorry, not happening. Why not?

Because the number one threat to your business value is a breach of confidentiality. If employees, customers, or even supplies get the idea that you may be moving on from your business, they will start moving on from it first. Never mind that it may be 3-4 years off or longer. Nobody cares about the truth on Facebook. only creating a sensation within their little bubbles – which soon spread to larger bubbles. Even a few group members can start liking and sharing, and the next thing you know it is all over Facebook that you are thinking about preparing the business for sale.

Is this a risk with a private Facebook group with probably never more than a few dozen members at a time? You bet. You never know how the Kevin Bacon 6 degrees of connection game is going to play out for you, and it’s not worth finding out.

That might all seem a bit paranoid, but that’s the way I treat your confidence (and your largest capital asset). Does it deserve anything less?

OK, so what resources DO we have? Enough to keep you busy for quite a while!


99% of owners need a partner to pull them away from the daily crises that come with owning a business.

Yours to access or download with no purchase or log-in. You’re welcome.

Log-in required (no fee)



In all of our material we give you dozens of reasons why you do NOT want to try to do this yourself.

But never say never. Sometimes there is little choice

  • Options when your business is too small for a coach or broker
  • Options when you and your business really do not have any money

Read all about it

When you’re ready to spend a few minutes really getting into the topic instead of surfing the internet, visit our book store to download the full-length books on Business Value topics:

Yes, they cost a few bucks, but no more than a fast-food meal, and a lot better for you.

Featured Publications and Appearances


Business Value Book Series

  1. The Business Value Booster Method – How a Small Business Owner Can Earn More Profit By Taking More Time Off
  2. You Only Get One Shot – How to Sell Your Small Business in 12 Months or Less
  3. The Goldmine on the Corner – Seven Steps to Buying a Small Business and Getting it Right Your First Time.

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