Get In Touch

Have a question or just want to get in touch?

Frequently Asked

Is there a fee for a call with me?

 For a get-to-know you call, no. For a longer call in which you’re going to ask for advice, yes (unless you’re already enrolled in one of my coaching programs). 

Will you get an immediate response?

No. Hopefully I am already booked to deliver client service at the time you randomly decide to send a message. It may be a day or so. Please use the booking link if you want to set a time.

Won't a call just be a sales pitch?

No. Well, not really. We’ll talk about what your concerns or objectives are and you may get some useful insights. Then you can decide whether you want to work with me further or not.

How do you know it will be worth your time?

Check out the website. See if I practice in the areas you’re concerned about. If your problem isn’t worth 15 minutes of your time, you can probably solve it yourself without me.

What's different about me from other business advisors?

Yo1. My focus is on Main Street-size businesses (under $5M revenue). Most advisors are focused on much larger companies which have completely different issues and solutions.

2. I tell you want you need to hear, not what you want to hear. Too many “advisors” have been taught to say anything to get or keep a client, running on the volume principle. Yes, I do want to get paid for what I do. But this isn’t my only source of income and I’m not going to mislead you or try to baffle you with BS. From me you’ll get the truth, period. 

3. I only take on as many clients as I can serve responsibly. If you’re not ready, not a good fit, or I’m overbooked, I’ll try to refer you to someone who can help you better.


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